In order to improve the quality and accessibility of the ticket purchasing process for long-distance trains JSC FPC is actively developing electronic sales and service channels.
In 2014 the share of electronic sales of tickets to the JSC FPC’s long-distance trains increased by 6% compared to the previous year and 24.3% of all sales (more than 27.8 million tickets).
If in 2014 every fourth ticket was electronic, it is planned for 2015 that one in every three tickets should be electronic.
Since February 2014 together with the JSC RZD’s Unified Information and Service Centre JSC FPC has introduced the long-distance train ticket reservation service by telephone number
The Company continues to expand the areas of its e-registration service which allows passengers to get on a train using the electronic train ticket, without issuing a paper ticket.
In June 2014 passengers of FPC’s train No.325/326 Novosibirsk — Almaty and JSC Passenger Transportations’ train No.71/72 Astana — Moscow had the right of travelling by an electronic ticket. These are trains running between Russia and Kazakhstan.
In addition to developing electronic sales JSC FPC is working to raise customer awareness and stimulate purchase of tickets through electronic sales channels.